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Once in a lifetime photo: a rare capture of Shimon Peres in order to commemorate him 5 YEARS AFTER

Half a decade has gone by without the 8th Prime Minister and 9th President of Israel, Shimon Peres. Today we remember his picture smiling from ear to ear, as he sang proudly: "A Song for Peace" alongside Prime Minister at the time, Yitzhak Rabin and Miri Aloni.

"Good will is the key to bridge our differences, to empower our common denominator of all of us, of this great country and great people" Said current Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett.

Shimon Peres believed as such, and so are we at Contento Now. With a stretched out hand and the desire to impact the world in a positive way through your stories, the sky is the limit.

We reach our hand towards you all, a hand of empowerment, a hand of acceptance, a hand of respect. When will you choose to meet us halfway?


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