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Symphony of Light: The Cards

Symphony of Light: The Cards

Title: Symphony of Light: The Cards
Author: Talya Birkhahn
Page Count: 230
International Publisher & Distributor & Agent: Contento
ISBN: 978-965-550-319-7

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  • About the Book

    Symphony of Light: The Cards

    Discovering Inner Truth and Goodness

    This  set  of  inspirational  cards,  for  both  children  and  adults,  comes  with  a detailed  guidebook;  it  is  the  companion  piece  to  the  book  A  Symphony  of Light: My Journeys within the Tree of Life.

    The  52  cards  are  grouped  in  ten  series,  according  to  the  Kabbalistic  virtues known as sephirot. Each sephirah, from crown to grace to kingship, appears in a different color with the name of the sephirah. They can be used for receiving messages and spiritual assistance; for therapeutic purposes (one-on-one or in a group setting); for interacting with children or at family gatherings; for fun or for creativity.  This instructional book will show you how to open yourself up to the miracles and wonder all around.

    Talya Birkhahn is co-manager of the IsraelCenter for Philosophy in Education and author of Letters to My Angel, an Amazon Best Seller. She leads workshops in the realization of personal dreams, employing a unique self-actualization method that combines philosophy, psychology and spirituality.

  • About the Author

    Talya Birkhahn is co-manager of the IsraelCenter for Philosophy in Education and author of Letters to My Angel, an Amazon Best Seller. She leads workshops in the realization of personal dreams, employing a unique self-actualization method that combines philosophy, psychology and spirituality.

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